There’s a new business in town……
In Grapevine, Texas to be exact. And you need to visit.
You can be Sweet Sixteen again….. or at least quilt on a machine that says you are.
Meet Pam, the Owner of The Quilting Depot. Oh, wait. If you’ve paid any attention at all on this blog, you’ve already met her. Several times, as a matter of fact.
You can go to The Quilting Depot and just hang out. And take some stitchin’. And learn how to quilt on a longarm machine. And eat peanut brittle. Just ask these gals.
Or you can move in like Karen. And just make quilt tops all day long. And then learn to quilt them and quilt them on Pam’s fancy machines. And give them to all your friends. I want one, Karen!
This is Karen’s bag. See? She’s moving in. And I have it from a reliable source that she quilted there 3 days last week.
You see, The Quilting Depot is a happening place. And Karen didn’t want to miss a minute of the happenings. I don’t blame her. Next week I might move in too.
I can have coffee for breakfast.
And I can send out for a salad for lunch and kick back in a nice recliner and eat it.
And afterwards I can relax and read a magazine like Jackie did.
Look at this cute little ironing station! And if you get bored at any time (not likely)…….
…. you can even watch a movie! Or perhaps if you bring Dear Hubby along, he can watch a movie while you learn to quilt. You’ll need him there so you can talk him into buying you one of these cool machines for your birthday. I bet you didn’t even see the videos hiding under the ironing board. You can’t hide anything from this blogger’s camera.
Pam was very focused on quilting as I flew around taking pictures.
She and Judy put their heads together on this quilt.
Sally helped too. It takes a village sometimes. Or maybe it’s just good to have friends around you when you open a new business. It soothes your soul.
I think Pam just wanted this quilt to be finished. It was a learning experience for her. And last I heard it was off the frame and ready for binding. You go, Pam!
I even got a picture of the needle going up and down as it stitched. But it’s a little hard to tell it’s moving from a single picture, isn’t it? Just trust me. It was movin’!
As soon as Pam gets the fake Christmas snow cleaned off the windows this will hang in one. And you might want to run right over and test drive one of these fancy schmancy machines! Before the sign goes in the window and every Tom, Dick and Mary stops by for a test drive and you have to get in line. Just sayin’.
This quilt hangs at the top of the stairs. Where the walls are pink and this matches so well. But you’ve seen this quilt on the blog before. In the ugly fabric challenge! And I’d just like to say for the record….. there is not an ugly bone in this quilt’s body. That’s one of the prettiest ugly quilts I’ve ever seen!
There are T-shirts waiting to become a quilt……
…………and I bet next time I stop in these cute spool lights will be hanging up somewhere.
There’s a nifty bobbin winder sitting in a window.
Look! Even Just Sayin’ Sew is hangin’ out at The Quilting Depot!
And aren’t these flowers that Karen brought by beautiful? Karen did move in, after all. So it was good she brought some flowers to enjoy. For everyone to enjoy!
Now you didn’t think I could show you some flowers and not make you endure a close-up, did you? If you did think that, you haven’t been visiting this blog enough.
OK, one more. Because I like close-ups of flowers. Ever since I figured out how my camera could do them. Aren’t they pretty?
When you stop by, watch out for this screwdriver that looks like it might bite you on the ankles as you walk by. Or maybe it’s just all set to screw some very cute knobs onto the drawers behind.
So here are all the particulars:
The Quilting Depot
103 West Worth
Grapevine, Texas
Hours: 11-5 Mon-Fri
Sat by appointment only
You can buy a longarm quilting machine and take classes to learn to use it. Or you can take classes and then rent time on one of Pam’s machines. Or you can drop off a quilt and Pam will quilt it for you. Or make you a T-shirt quilt. But don’t ask for that one too soon. Let Pam get settled a bit first!
And if you have any questions or want to make an appointment, call Pam at 214-415-2299. She’d love to hear from you!
Be sure to tell her Barb sent you. I’m hoping for a deal on rental time for referrals. Or at least that I win the prize for Most Referrals when the millions who read this blog drop my name there. It’s worth a shot, don’t ya think?
So have a great time at The Quilting Depot. Meet your friends there. Buy a Handi-Quilter of your own. And tell Pam I said hi.
Happy Quilting!